with a little cake-mashing in between

Wedding Cake made by Angela Oxford, the mother of the Maid of Honor (Jessica Oxford)

I missed the initial smash by Alexandria, but here's what followed:
the enlargements (click on any pic) are particularly better for this set of pics

Taek was a bit taken aback when Alexandria smashed a piece of cake in his face
but he put up with this crazy American tradition ("HEY, it's America!") and
when he was told that the tradition also included the corresponding tradition
of the groom smashing a piece in the bride's face,
he thought that was a lot more fun.

CAKE IN THE FACE (video captured by Tim)

CAKE IN THE FACE (video captured by Abby)

OK, now that they've had their fun, we can get down to the serious business of EATING the cake

All agreed that the cake was delicious